Warning: No Loitering, Violators will be Violated
vi·o·late /ˈvaɪ
This is one of our most popular signs. And no wonder! To violate someone has so many levels of meaning it leaves a lot to the imagination!
Get rid of pesky loitering individuals. Our Violators will be Violated sign promises one or more of the following:
1. To break, infringe, or transgress (take that, loiterers!)
2. To interfere thoughtlessly with (and that!)
3. To treat irreverently or disrespectully (Uh oh, we’re gettin’ serious here!)
4. To desecrate or defile (Woah, what, I don’t like the sound of that…)
5. To mistreat physically (You mean like brutality?)
6. To molest sexually, rape. (Have you ever seen a loitering individual move so FAST?!)
The sign works! and this No Loitering: Violators will be Violated Aluminum sign measures out to approximately 9″x12″. It is printed in a glossy finish with eco-friendly inks on a premium vinyl polymer and backed with 0.040 gauge aluminum. Our inks are UV resistant and designed to last 7-10 years, indoors or out. Aluminum has 2 pre-drilled holes for mounting and has rounded corners for your protection.
Screws are not included.